Rumor had it we were going to a single Portsmouth number in 08, although I am not happy about this I will live with it. I am not happy because not ONE UNI-RIGGED F16 sailed in the US has sailed to its two up number. In other words, all of us UNI rig F16 sailors in the US have not been able to beat a TWO up sailed F16.
So are we using the TWO UP number or ONE UP number whats the news?
Today I received an email regarding the international F16 logo. It was redesigned with a circle around it. IMO not a very good design at all. The circle is taking away from the actual F16 design. It also makes the logo "waste" material because of the circle around it. It just does not flow anymore.

Can we make a RULE on logo placement so this can no longer be an unclear issue?

What is going on with this class? Where is all the news? Although Rolf is now doing some PR stuff KUDOS for that! What is happening in the US?

We are very quite and I dont like that. We want more boats on the water but a quiet class is a sleeping class.