scussions regarding the uniformity of the F16 logo on the sail. While we would like to support this it this it seems a bit heavy handed to introduce a rule for this and so we will send a letter to the sailmakers, builders and ask them to put the logo in the lowest panel of the main around 250 mm from the leech when they are making, or delivering a sail/boat. The people who already have a sail in use can put the logo in by themselves. Please let us know if you need logos and we will provide you with a contact that can supply them.

Ref: http://www.formula16.org/content/view/53/42/lang,en/

This was obviously about logos on sails. But perhaps it is time to standarize on how logos should look? I dont have strong feelings about this, but for the recognition effect I see common sense in keeping to one logo. There is a reason companies are defending their logos with vigor when printers etc. try to alter it in even small ways (colors, aspect ratios, size or alterations like described by Robi).
A circle around the logo might be an attempt to emphazise and make it stand out for use on non-sailing gear? I dont know..

If we get a decision on this, and we probably should, I am adamant that the logo design have to be freely available on our website. Free for use within the class and for the class.

About the "slowdown".. I agree and MarkP pointed it out earlier in another thread. There is a PR group forming now, but it is up to ourself (the class) to keep the forum and the class active. It is our own decision wether the forum should be active or dead. If nobody post interesting stuff, ask questions and keep things generally lively, interest _will_ decline. The PR group will work on getting reports from events and publish those, but we need more than that and all who would like to see activity on the forum should step up and contribute, keep old but interesting threads alive etc! E.g. what is happening with the boat Ncik built? It is all up to ourself to keep this forum the best catsailing forum around. If everybody are conscious about this and tries their best when they visit, it is no problem.
A quiet class is a sleeping class, agree totally!

Uni or two up ratings.. I think we have had this discussion a couple of times earlier. <img src="http://www.catsailor.com/forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />