
I am not happy about this I will live with it. I am not happy because not ONE UNI-RIGGED F16 sailed in the US has sailed to its two up number.

But plenty of solo sailors in EU and Aus have, you US guys just need to learn to sail faster.

Not only that but 2-up F16 sailors in EU and Aus also sail off a rating that is 5% faster in comparison to the F18's then the US sailors. I refer for example to Gary Maskial (even while sailing his converted A-cat = suboptimal) and the NAM-REM race last August in Zandvoort with both Marcus and Hans beating 45+20=65 other boats and crews while singlehanding. Not to mention Hans and Marcus doing really well against the Global Challenge 2-up F16's. Mark Pressdee had a few good runs here as well.

How much more peachy must the US F16 rating become for the US solo sailors to score a Handicapped win.

Come to think of it your statement is even incorrect for the US as well Robi. Constantine Serementis is racing his standard Taipan 4.9 with spi of the faster F16 2-up rating in Maryland and has reached the top of the leaderboard a few times. The new Blade F16 owners around him are at the top of the leaderboard as well (all solo sailors)

How I agree with Robi on the other points though !

And what is up with this "NEW" International F16 logo, we already have a logo that took years to establish as a commonly recognized symbol, why are we "changing horse midstream" on this ?

Forget redesigning the logo and try to get the French market cornered !!!!!


Last edited by Wouter; 01/05/08 07:15 AM.

Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands