Come to think of it your statement is even incorrect for the US as well Robi. Constantine Serementis is racing his standard Taipan 4.9 with spi of the faster F16 2-up rating in Maryland and has reached the top of the leaderboard a few times. The new Blade F16 owners around him are at the top of the leaderboard as well (all solo sailors)
Wouter your reply is very welcomed, sadly you are misinformed. Constantine sailed at 67.1 thing I clearly stated IN THE US. Yes I know we need to learn how to sail faster, you saying what we already know.
I honestly do not agree with this "going to a one rating thing". But that is ME. Like I said, 1ups have been able to beat two ups but how many times? No one up team has been able to beat the fastest F16 team in the US team McDonald. If Team McDonald have enough sailing skill to have the Portsmouth committee lower the overall F16 rating, on the flip side it should say somehing about 1ups as well.
We not fast enough YET. so why go to an even faster number.
And do not get me started on the local sail builders willing to give us Uni guys some support!
Hans, thanks for claryfing the circle thing around the F16 log, I personally thought that was hideous. As as dimensions goes, the logo is wider than it is taller. In other words a rectangle, you cant go wrong with specifying a height and a width. Also I have emailed the logo to various people, I have received more than a few PMs asking to get it. The logo is available for free. Rolf if you do not have a copy I can get you one for the website.