Are you trying to promote cat sailing or cat racing? I think we need to get more cat sailors first. I propose more fun events. In thinking about this question, I would also tie it into another thread asking why cat sailors don't join yacht clubs. Most people don't join yacht clubs for racing. They join for the social aspect and may race a couple of times a year. I believe we need to learn from this and attract more people to sailing cats. Racing attracts far fewer people than just seeing people out grinning from ear to ear while day sailing.
My wife crews for me during races, but she would enjoy things far more if we were just out with some other sailors cruising around and playing games. There are lots of ideas out there and a lot of them were used during the hey days of cat sailing a couple of decades ago. Is it a surprise there are fewer "fun" events and fewer participants? I do not think so. Fun events will increase participation which will lead to increased racers.
I wholeheartedly agree with the idea of marks closer to shore. I had some friends come to a race earlier in the year to watch. When we got back to shore, they had left and gone shopping. Why? They couldn't tell what was going on and we were so far away, it was hard to tell where we were. Would you go watch a football game or a car race if it were 1/2 mile away from your seat?? Move the marks in, it is the same advantage/disadvantage for everyone.
Only one mans opinion.......