Hi Mike,

You paint a picture that racers don't know how to have fun.

We have plenty of amatures at our club that just come for a cruise around the bouys and share a drink and tall stories after it. They sail old boats, could not care less about the latest go fast equiptment and are not concurned about going faster but how to enjoy it more.

The racers have also been know to have parties at regattas that will rival any cruiser's. Week long regattas with week long headaches. Girlies on boats, night sails and cruis'n to other places, including to the bottle shop on the other side of the bay to load the tramp up with new supplies.

Clubs can provide the oragnisation, facilities and safty equiptment to have the best time. Club racers also tend to be a lot more experienced than cruisers, which increases the saftey.

There are no rules as to how a club must engage in sailing.

Why not a Cruising Club!!!!!!!!!!!