My wife and I are recreational sailors, fairly new to the sport, and love to just go out and cruise. We don't want to get involved in racing but would like to sail with other people sometimes. I think that if someone organized an event in more of a non-competive style, we would consider attending. One possibility would be to style it after the motorcycle "poker run" rallies. You have designated stops where you pick up a card and at the end of the day, the best hand wins. This usually involves refreshments at the stops. Maybe this example won't work out well with cats, but you get the idea. Just getting together to sail with other sailors who aren't screaming "starboard" at you would be great for us. I realize that there are many competive sailors out there who wouldn't want to be involved in an event like this, but there are also many of us who aren't interested in racing.
Jack Hoying
Fort Loramie, Ohio

Jack Hoying Fort Loramie, Ohio