I think the 1st Bandit Run got lucky this year. The wind usually blows on the nose at 15 mph going out Mansfield Cut. And don't forget the waves. I had a 5hp on my Stilleto 23 and bearly made it out a couple of years ago. And 30 miles of tacking back to SPI?
I missed RR for the first time in 12 years. Running the ditch to Corpus Christi is usually a reach/run for a day and a half. Hope Scott Kee will reconsider the course. But he lives in Port Isabel and get a lot of support from SPI. Scott has been a big influence on cat sailing in South and Central Texas. He is personally responsible for keeping this great regatta going for a decade and a half. He is Mr. Ruff Rider.
Thom, if you can find the time and crew you should sail down from Corpus to SPI and race back. Eight to ten boats, including F-boats and Stilettos, make the trip the last week in August. Might be racing each other cuz the rest will make a right turn into the wind.