A) You are being very condescending.
B) I trained with Robbie b/c he's a great sailor. I also trained with JC, Nigel Pitt, and Mischa Heemskerk because they are also great sailors.
C) Just because you're older doesn't give you any right to talk down to me.
D) I made no personal comments about Robbie and Jill other than that they are boat dealers, and thus, that might have a slight influence on their opinions.
E) Maybe I'm wrong, but it's not your place to judge.
F) You don't know me, but many people in here do, and I'm sure they'll disagree with what you say about me.
G) If you want to take this to the race course or the flip-cup table, all you need to do is show up...
H) By the way you let internet banter get under your skin, it may seem to others that you need to chill out, harden up, and have a drink.

"Like water off a duck's back, baby."

BrokenHips, I'll take you out on my N20 any day, and then I'll set you up with 1/2 dozen other high performance cats to try out, and then you make your decision. Sorry that so many of us here have sidetracked your search for the proper cat.

Trey Brown
Nacra 20 1017
Greenville, SC, USA

Last edited by NCSUtrey; 01/05/09 10:19 PM.