Hi Jody

With total crew weight of 370 plus gear etc the 20 ft cat is ideal ,--Inter 20 is currently most poular.

There is a good discussion on when we will see a Supercat Formula 18 and Formula 20 on the open section .
The designer responded stating S C would build a 8.5 beam 20 based on the Arc 21 design ,--An excellent Formula 20 boat .

This is the concept of Formula ,--to allow numerous builders to build boats for us to race that match a set of general specifications ,--the basics being length -weight -beam and sail area .
Many catsailors have rsponded positively to it ,-and as 18s get rolling numerous 20 sailors will finaly slap their forheads and say why don;t we do this in the 20s also ..

Think its a matter of time and getting some builder -dealer interest and support here in the U S to get it going .

Mark commented also but has a self proclaimed mission statement of promoting handicap racing ,-still others like their small one design group ,--All types of sailing are great ,-we need them all .

It really gets down to how best to classify groups of boats to race against one another . Numerous problems emerge in H C racing ,-they need to be broken down into high med,and low P number classes ,-then spin and non spin ,-so its really a matter of degree of classification .
Then the inequities still exist as applied to distance racing to a point where some types are excluded AS WE SEE IN RACES LIKE THE tYBEE AND TEXAS RACES .

One design--one brand type only is very limiting but fair racing that most catsailors prefer whenever available .

Formula 20 along with other length classes provides the best longterm solution OF PROVIDING EQUAL FAIR SAILING with multiple builders and types of cat design .

The U S version Inter 20 has 15 more sq ft in a larger sq top mainsail and weighs 390 lb ---as opposed to the 418 Euro version with smaller main .-
We have outlined general specs for the U S based on the I-20 version that is popular here and hope others will join in by producing similar 20s within specification outlined .

Any can take a 20 and build or modify an existing 20 into a Formula 20 .
I,m not a boat dealer ,-importer or boat builder so have no ecomonic interests in it ,-but would really enjoy ,-as many others would the great racing it would encourage .


Hopefully that is the ideal and goal -as the F 18s AND 16S GET ROLLING HERE IN THE u s ,--THE 20S CAN,T BE FAR BEHIND .