Space is not the reason why you don't see multi's at a lot of yacht clubs. It's the fact that the vast majority of beachcat sailors won't join a yacht club. There is no reason the Hobie Wave could not have the same numbers as the Laser at a yacht club.

In FL there are quite a few yacht clubs that are extremely cat friendly:

In Florida alone:

Miami Yacht Club
The Rudder Club
Gulfport Yacht Club
Fort Walton Yacht Club
Davis Island Yacht Club (Hosting the 2011 Area D South Semi Finals)
New to the list Charlotte Harbor Yacht Club.
I also suspect there is a cat friendly club in Pamama City, we get to go there in October.

A yacht club or any other organization for that matter will only go in the direction of its leadership. You want your local yacht club to support beachcats 1 - join, 2 - get involved. If you're willing to do the work 99% of the time there will be nobody standing in your way. Granted it can be giant pain in the a$$ and you'll have plenty of people pissing in your ear telling you how you're doing it wrong but in the end you will get results and it will be worth while.

David Ingram
F18 USA 242

"Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda
"Excuses are the tools of the weak and incompetent" - Two sista's I overheard in the hall
"You don't have to be a brain surgeon to be a complete idiot, but it helps"