Originally Posted by waterbug_wpb
the real problem with the low numbers of "yoots" in sailing or any sport is that you old farts didn't have that many kids!

Think about it. When you were a tot, how big was the "kids table" at a holiday dinner? Probably twice the size of the parents table.

And now? I'd be willing to bet the kids table is a fraction of the size of the "adult's table".

us 'Mericans got too caught up chasing "the good life" instead of aforementioned tail and are victims of our own success.

Birthrates in developed countries are down (so it's not just us), so much that most face population declines (not to mention enough young folks to clean up after the old farts)

So, in addition to all the other time-wasters we've developed to take kid's attention away from sport, we don't have a deep pool of youngsters (under 20) to solicit to start with...

So we're back to Ding's mantra "single moms need your support". If they're not out there helping our population, no one else will.... So dig deep, 'merica, your country needs you.

Awhile ago I hatched the Plan for Cat Sailor World Domination, and then the WRCRA faithful began doing their best. Below is the basic plan as updated and sent to the Fleet when I was making my first contribution to the effort:

For an obvious reason, I felt like dusting this one off, with an update and change here and there. Enjoy!

I've always felt that a goal of the Chesapeake area catamaran sailing associations should be nothing less than achieving total multihull domination of the world sailing scene! One by one, the heathen half-boaters will be converted or left in our wakes! Those who don't join our cause will surely be crushed by it! So far, the increase in numbers of boats at the races this year have provided solid testimony that our plan is working. But it is a slow process overtaking the world one or two sailors at a time. It might just be the only thing slow about our sport.

So, time for plan B! Yes, we'll continue spreading the word and converting the unbelieving mono-sluggers, and yes, maybe some Inquisition-style techniques may have to be employed. But that just isn't enough. Nope.

We must out-procreate them! Yes! It's really so simple - multihulling couples have children to form the next wave of the true sailing faithful! What better way to achieve our goals! Imagine what the owners of the newest Standstill-30 will say! "My gosh, look how fast they sail! Egads! They're breeding too!"

What's that you say? It will take at least 9 months to start putting that plan into action? Not really. It seems that this plan has already been initiated by WRCRA members, from the Holmes to the Daunheimers to the LoSapios, from the Wellingtons to the Lees to the Sieverts. I may have missed a few, so if I have forgive my oversight and take a bow for your part in the plan! The newest arrival will be courtesy of Jackie and me!

For me, it's great to remember that in addition to being a truly blessed event, child birth to multihull couples really is another step in the march to world domination. But calling the whole effort the "Plan for Cat Sailor World Domination" may be a little unsettling for the rest of the sailing world, so let's just call it Operation "look out world, the cat-sailors are breeding" so nobody will know what we're up to. Our little secret.

Now let's all take to heart the example of those that have already thrust into action and labored for the good of the plan when push came to shove. Yes, we've had babies born to cat sailors before. It's a great and wonderful thing! But we need more! So you must get out there and do your part. Or at least train and practice like crazy for the day that you might.

That is all,
Kap'n Keith
Minister of Propaganda
Cat Sailing World Domination League

A final note - most studies show that families with little education are out-breeding those with some smarts. I consider cat sailors to be very smart. I suspect this is the reason there are more jetskis on the water than catamarans. This is a trend that will only continue if we don't get busy. So get busy, or at least practice like mad.