I think we're all hyping equipment over sailor skill so much that we're discouraging participation altogether.
People entering the catsailing arena get sticker shock from the pimped out new boats, and are beat down by folk who say that it's all about this new cordage, that new sail cut, or Ding's "wonder-windex" at the masthead.
New sailors are scared to get out and sail regattas for fear of being killed by the newest "go-fast" item or (worse) pounded into submission by other people screaming obscure rule numbers at them.
I think the reality still is sailor skill and familiarity (local knowledge), as I'm sure we've all seen Randy, Matt (all of them), Robbie and others sail Optis faster than the rest of us sail Tornados. But that's not what sells new boats....
So, let the dealers promote the boats. The classes should promote sailor skill development. Except for the very elite, we're all out there to have fun with this (expensive) hobby and toss friendly smack around
Any new sailor is going to get waxed jumping onto any boat.
Make that a much worse beating trying to jump on a spin rigged performance boat, 16 – 18 – 20 etc.
A lot of the current racers have years and have moved to the newer more complex boats just to keep their interest in the sport, so any new blood has to be willing to go through a pretty long period of “sucking”
What I do agree with Jay, is forums and beach talk get way too caught up with the technical aspects of things and this does hurt the sport. The new guy who is already taking a beating feels they can buy results with “new” gear or some magic rig setting and this just does not happen, so then they fee cheated. Too many feel they can buy results, and that is the discouraging beyond just the learning curve.