Originally Posted by Mlcreek
I have a question; reading and listening to all the previous postings, along my own dealings with Performance, why would we care what they think? I mean if they aren't supporting us in parts, and new boats for the class. I maybe wrong, but kind of seems to be a one way road. Is this not about keeping the class alive, even though their intent is not to help? Just my 2 cents


We don't care what they think. Some people are hesistant to abandon the 'SMOD' of the N20. It is the only governing document at the moment. That needs to change. Its time for a NA F20 class to become viable. There are some very interesting documents on catsailor dating way back (2003) that outlined how to do this and I think its finally time for the masses to accept it. sail6000(Carl Roberts) wrote a great document here: http://www.catsailor.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=26593
He needs to get full credit for it. It is a little dated but in essence its spot on.
Its time to move on folks.

Capt Cardiac
Ocean Springs Yacht Club
Nacra20 - Flight of Ideas #5