Has anybody ever had the experience of having to sail up a channel and maybe under a bridge where the tidal current AND the wind are both against you?
I experienced this last weekend, and it was definitely a character-building experience. For the first time I understood firsthand how easy it would be for a disabled boat -- power or sail -- to be swept out to sea on an outgoing current where a lot of water has to get in or out through a relatively narrow slot.
I know some of you have to deal with this situation all the time, but most of us do not. So what is the secret to making progress when the current is taking you back faster than you are making progress forward?
I had a paddle, but it was the first time I ever wished I had an outboard motor on the back of my boat.
And I won't even go into the problems we had trying to round the weather mark because of the current even three or more miles offshore. Reminded me of a videotape I have seen of a major Laser championship where, in some cases, it took the boats three or more attempts to get around the weather mark because of current. It was humorous to watch, but less so when it is happening to you personally.
Please share your nightmares with current and tips for coping with the situation.