Bethwaite covers this subject, I does CA Marchaj. It's winter, maybe some of y'all would be best served to read up while the weather sucks...
...but I have a scare story. One fine day in lightish air I was traversing the Houston Ship Channel, which is always hairy. I observed two tankers crossing and a dredge barge that appeared to be stationary.
Since it looked ok, I began the crossing. Next thing you know, my tiller stick rivets happened to break so I'm holding the stick in my hand and it ain't attached to the rudders. Being a well-trained boat, my Square headed up like the good girl. I hadn't quite entered the channel, so I took advantage of the rounding-up to try to reattach the tiller stick.
I look up, and lo and behold, the dredge barge is coming at me, wake off its bow, I'm heading for this thing at like 5-6kt or so, I'm at the stern of my Sq and she really likes weight forward to handle well, and I'm rounded up. Welll.... awRITIE then!
My stomach went south. I can't figure why the guys walking around on the barge ain't hollering, nor is the skipper honking at me. Whathafa?
Then, I realise...
I'm drifting DOWN on this barge, the current is that strong, to make a 'wake' on the barge's bow. G.Zeus! And of course, I can't get the Sq to turn back, I gotta head to the channel as the wind is favouring that course. And, of course, there's now some more tankers coming across.
Hell with it. I gotta get some speed, and fast. I drive beam on, hoping I can get enough speed to duck between the boat traffic, still sitting at the back of the bus, the Sq ain't liking none of it.
Finally, about 40 feet before the bow of the barge, I figure I can use the current and head current-ward to get speed, so using current I pass the barge. Once behind the barge, I head across the wind, across the current, and get across the channel. Barely. Didja know that when them big boats blow at you, the whole water vibrates? Or maybe I was just shaking in fear....
sea ya