I don't know if this is relevant, but when i kayak up stream against a current, i paddle close 45 degrees off the current direction. I've heard it has to do with bernouli's (sp?) principle but fail to see how. There will be times when it is impossible to paddle up stream, but 45 degrees almost seems to pull me up current.

That is interesting. Maybe it is that if you are paddling straight into the current, the water is flowing evenly on both sides of the boat. Whereas, if you are paddling forward at a 45-degree angle and are able to at least maintain your position relative to the shoreline, the current sees you an obstacle, much like a rock in a stream, and an eddy forms on the down-current side of your kayak, which tends to, as you said, help lift you forward against the current?

I need help from the physics whizzes.