As stated in the interview, Sir Ben said they had a systems failure and could not control the daggerboard
Do you think they would have asked the RC to abandon the race if they were a lap in front?

IMHO Ben's gybing was the only failure

Was a bit disappointed that the French did win the last race against BAR, they sailed a better race.
Agree with your first point, GBR totally blew that first gybe, and in the light air, got themselves way behind. But, Ainsle looked morally defeated as it quickly became obvious that they couldn't get back onto the foils, and I think he gave up on the race at that point.
I too wanted Cammas to win, but he didn't sail a better match race, IMHO (it ain't over till it's over, and you can only get one point or zero). He was late for his port entry, and missed some key shifts and pressure changes late in the race. He then set himself up on port for the final cross at the finish line.
I would agree that he generally appeared to do a better job of sailing the cat in "displacement mode" (apparently, this is the new code for FLOATING on a foiling boat)...