
I could see me building one of these suckers for screwing around on a local lake

You got that right, I would personally LOVE to have one of these F12's for the days and evenings when I don't have enough time to rig the F16. In my case that would be most weekday evenings during summer.

I had been thinking about buying myself on old laser 1 dinghy but experiences held by other laser owners at my club say that the surf on our beach make going out and coming back in difficult. A catamaran is much more suited to traversing the surf, sandbars and associated breakers.

In my case I will just clip my F16 rudders and tiller extension to the back of this boat and use one of my spinnaker sheet autoratchets for the mainsheet. And of course I just use my class 5 landyacht mast for the sail. Hell I got enough spare blocks and bolts laying around to complete fit out this boat as per current plans.

Yes, I think I'm designing a boat that I will be sailing myself as well.

Preliminary drag/saildrive calculations show speeds beween 9 and 14 knots both upwind and downwind.

OHHHHH yeah !!!


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands