
Wouter, I probably missed it in all this, but what is your web site address?

Making a more accessible webpage is somewhere on my to do list but that listing has gotten pretty long lately. I didn't quite expect the response when I first place the F12 picture in this posting :


In response to the questions asked by you Mary in the thread "The perfect world for beach cats? "


Wouter, do you think it would facilitate your project if there is a separate forum for the Formula 12? Rick is willing to create a forum for it, if you would like.


Additionally I want to get these two discussion threads of the main page as they are now pushing all other postings off the first page. I don't think that to be a good thing for www.catsailor.com

Is it possible that Rick copies the two F12 threads and the one which you started to this new forum ? I really don't want to loose these threads in the 65.000 other posting in the mean forum ?

Thanks alot for your help.


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands