Now this is an excellent post.


I couldn’t understand why so employees stood on the sidelines taking potshots with crazy ideas and didn’t get with the program to make the company suceed. Often I found their advice ill-informed, frustrating, and distracting and I began to question their motives

Now this is exactly what it is.

With the possible exception that I do understand that this indeed happens and that I really don't really question their motives. But I also found that that really doesn't matter much because they still make ....

Maybe I even find that the most frustrating of all.

Also I wish people in general realized that there is a whole lot of work involved. And that after posting an good idea is takes many many many hours to design the idea into something that actually works. I found it frustrating to see the initial poster taking more credit for the end result then the guys who put all the hard work in. Smart idea's are very good but also only 5 % of the total project. Hence the "father F12" spin-off.

That is the problem of this situation with the F12 as seen from my viewpoint.

How to solve this ?

Your suggestions are pretty much the only available route aside from just developping this F12 with people who take the good with the bad and can work with me and hate me at the same time.

I think that I grew cynical over time with other projects. Not a good character feature, I admit, but also a really hard one to beat. Now I can do this F12 succesfully as project manager, but as it is a demanding and tedious job to be done in the little hours of the night after a tiring days work for no extra pay. So I fear I won't be really able to rise much to the desired level, that would take more energy then I'm able to give at this time.

Therefor again, I'm fully prepared to be replaced as project manager. I mean this very seriously.

I really won't hold it against anyone if they support the new guy. Hell, I really would love to sit back myself and make all kinds of (possibly ill-informed, frustrating, and distracting) suggestions to be worked out by other people and then still claim that my contributions were key developments. <img src="" alt="" /> (joke!)

If nobody does step up to the plate then maybe we all should just consider the words :

"You go to war with the army that you have, not with the one you want"

As in having an F12 but learning to forgive Wouter for being a ****, or not having an F12 at all.


Last edited by Wouter; 01/12/07 07:03 AM.

Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands