Threads Created | All Posts
Threads Created By Todd_Sails
Todd's prediction for 2020 candidates.... | General Sailing Forum | 12/28/16 02:13 AM |
The media IS the Democraptic party! | Politics, Religion, and Trolling | 10/24/16 11:25 PM |
SunFish Sailing | General Sailing Forum | 08/20/15 01:12 PM |
2015 GT 300 | General Sailing Forum | 06/03/15 07:19 PM |
Are you Muslum? Yet? | General Sailing Forum | 05/27/15 12:34 PM |
Spinaker sheet, knot placement options.... | General Sailing Forum | 04/29/15 12:23 PM |
Pics and/or explanation of spin sheet retrieval loop on clew | General Sailing Forum | 04/28/15 12:19 PM |
F18 Infusion- Diamond wires? | General Sailing Forum | 04/23/15 04:58 PM |
While my F18 sits in the Snow- Here's Todd's Reef... | General Sailing Forum | 02/09/15 02:51 PM |
Improved Winter Tarp- 2015, Wisconsin | General Sailing Forum | 12/12/14 04:52 PM |
What a GREAT Day for election results! | General Sailing Forum | 11/05/14 02:19 PM |
Hillsary? Hilarious! | General Sailing Forum | 06/20/14 02:04 PM |
Behghazi Cover UP- Anyone? | General Sailing Forum | 05/01/14 06:32 PM |
Hey Midwestern Liberals! Look who made Time's Top 100 ! | General Sailing Forum | 04/24/14 10:22 PM |
Climate Change? Yea right, todays house pic... | General Sailing Forum | 03/06/14 12:57 AM |
My X-mas Cajun Fried Turkey... | General Sailing Forum | 12/25/13 09:03 PM |
My Winter F18 'Boat Tent'... | General Sailing Forum | 12/20/13 05:03 PM |
Recent 1 min. video of my Display Tank... | General Sailing Forum | 11/07/13 06:04 PM |
Standing Rigging for Infusions? | F18 Forum | 06/10/13 02:34 PM |
Not Cats, Not political, and involves a Reef.... | General Sailing Forum | 04/12/13 08:58 PM |
Better Fact Check this one..... | General Sailing Forum | 04/02/13 03:30 PM |
10" of snow last night, finally got the boat brushed off... | General Sailing Forum | 02/27/13 07:30 PM |
Anyone use a Gull harness? What's best? | General Sailing Forum | 08/28/12 06:37 PM |
Reef Tanks? Off topic I know.... | General Sailing Forum | 08/26/12 11:14 PM |
Covering your boat, outdoors- winter long... | General Sailing Forum | 08/26/12 11:02 PM |
Awesome design, on a mono no less, 80 degree canting keel? | General Sailing Forum | 04/28/12 11:48 PM |
Drill Baby thread split..... | General Sailing Forum | 10/17/11 03:20 PM |
Conrats Aussies! | General Sailing Forum | 07/23/11 03:16 PM |
Aquacat, a local craigslist find!...... | General Sailing Forum | 05/29/11 06:03 PM |
Pictures, comments about you Reef tank, or even a fresh one | General Sailing Forum | 05/25/11 11:32 AM |
Thought and prayers for those devasted in Joplin Mo. | General Sailing Forum | 05/23/11 04:36 PM |
Craw Sailors- (Wisconsin, etc.)- I might be buying a boat! | General Sailing Forum | 04/06/11 06:39 PM |
It's a frozen white Squall........ | General Sailing Forum | 02/02/11 05:47 AM |
Prayers go out to the people of Brazil,- Mud slide | General Sailing Forum | 01/14/11 06:17 PM |
My thoughts and prayers go out to our friends 'Down Under' | General Sailing Forum | 01/12/11 08:51 PM |
Talk about Heavy Air!... | General Sailing Forum | 10/26/10 06:05 PM |
Canada F18's? | General Sailing Forum | 09/24/10 01:30 PM |
Happy Independence Day! | General Sailing Forum | 07/04/10 02:57 PM |
The Nacra/Inter 20...will the US see an Alum. mast? | F20 Forum | 04/21/10 10:10 PM |
So, how long will the I-20 live? | F20 Forum | 11/17/09 11:02 PM |
Let's talk about Vick | General Sailing Forum | 07/27/09 11:22 PM |
Jeff Foxworthy Jokes......... | General Sailing Forum | 06/04/09 01:01 PM |
Can a boat such as a Nacra 20, be stored outside?..... | General Sailing Forum | 05/20/09 02:14 PM |
Nice video, big cats | General Sailing Forum | 04/30/09 12:04 AM |
Happy Easter, my easter tradition is......... | General Sailing Forum | 04/12/09 04:05 PM |
Ocean closed to sailing? | General Sailing Forum | 04/01/09 02:54 PM |
Witty/Funny Bumper Stickers...... | General Sailing Forum | 03/02/09 10:07 PM |
Excuse my ignorance, Whats a Trap Seat? | Hobie 16 Forum | 01/27/09 05:43 PM |
Rick, Mary, ... et. al. I new message board proposal..... | General Sailing Forum | 01/25/09 03:08 AM |
Cat Sailing scene around Milwaukee WI??? | General Sailing Forum | 01/12/09 04:27 PM |