I think you are wrong.

1: Hobie is making their money from rotomoulded kayaks and similar. Their main market is no longer catamarans
2: NACRA is doing their different 17 foot configurations. I dont see them dumping a successful class in the US by creating a direct and more versatile competitor to their own class.
3: There is nothing exotic about building a min-weight F16 at home or in a production environment. But to succeed you need some good design work done and a production environment with skills and good quality control. I want boats built by skilled workers under a good quality control system, dont you? Mulling over your 'exotics' statement, I am puzzled by what is so exotic about vinylester/glass or wood/epoxy construction?

I would not be surprised if in the future we see an F16 ‘manufactures’ class get off the ground, supported by major manufactures and the current F16 class will soon become like the F18HT is to the F18 class.

Disagree. You probably think about the history with the 18HT in the US? If you re-check that story you will see large differences in how the F16 class is buildt and how the 18HT was introduced.