You could always buy a F16 now with the knowledge that you could beef it up to fit into the 104 class, its called hedging your bets.
My bet is that once you had a F16 you would not consider the 104 class as it would mean you would have to cart another 15 odd kilos up and down the beach and you would have to dumb the whole package down to match the other less competitive boats. Mind you starting off with an F16 would be one hell of an advantage as you could ballast it in all the right places.
You need to add a lot more than 15kg to make a F16 into a 104.
Hi Scooby,
I personally am not interested in the 104 class. A 120 kg F16 would be more realistic. Why should people stuggle to make a boat down to weight with most failing to achieve.
Why not propose a 120 min with the use of 5 kg max lead correctors much like the F18 class. Previous built boats can be granfathered to carry a little more lead but new boats must not exceed 5 kg of correctors.
This should be discussed with current and future manufactures, not sailors who are not involved with manufature in any reasonable volume.
Thoughts ??????
Are most boats failing?
I'd suggest most are now close. Mine is close as is all new Stealth F16; Hans Boat was carrying lead to make it measure.
If you want to TRY and change the class rules you need to be an owner and memeber of a NA; then you can propose class rule changes and then if appropiate they get VOTED on.
I like the boat at 104/107.
I'd be very interested in Rolf's view as he is building 3 boats at present. Doe HE think the MIN weight is about right?