I have raced F18s, Tornadoes, A Class, Tapian 4.9s and F16s (modified 4.9s). You barley notice the difference 20kg makes to a boat on land or water, particulary with good beach wheels. I can manage by F18 around the beach easier by my self than the 105kg Taipans with cheap rollers. It seems most light weight class' (A Class an exception) don't believe they should invest in good beach rollers and we watch them struggle whilst our 180kg heavyweights are manuvered with ease around the beach.

An extra 20kg will be notice by the manufactures and eventualy the customers back pocket. It will also reflect in fleet numbers as more manufactures climb on board.

I'll take racing in a quaility and profesional fleet any day even if it means at 180kg or 130 kg for a single hander.

6 years of development have seen how many manufactures commit to a dedicated F16? and how many optimised F16s Racing.