I did every major regatta in the Netherlands last year and I never once saw you! How about you do some travelling this year and promote the class. Come to the North Sea Regatta in May.
That is funny because I did see you !
Also at the Global Challenge; I was actually no more then 5 meters away. None of the Aussie cared to introduce me to you but that is fine.
Also I'm not a major catamaran racer. I'm far more a designer, promoter and class builder. That is what I brought to the F16 class. I could do what I did because of excellent volunteers like Phill contributed what they were/are really good at. Because John and Matt contributed their production facilities and guys like Paul, Rolf and many other filled in the smaller holes.
The F16 class got where it got to it is because we all stood on eachothers shoulders and we all did we all do best individually. And racing is not my individual strong point.
With regard to the North Sea regatta.
That is a BS regatta for any class other then F18's and Dart 18's as the organisation strongly favours One-Design starts and the Open class for cats attracts only the most sorry bunch of dissimilar boats in shameful low numbers.
Personally I'm not a excellent racer but even I have no trouble waxing the ears of some recreational crew on some beat up old Hobie 18.
No I'm not seriously considering North Sea Regatta by a long stretch.