name one boat designed specifically for the 104 class... I can think of boats modified for the class.

The 104 is still very much just a work in progress, however they are attracting some serious interest from manufacutes. At present boats are modified but soon you will see purpose designed boats.

The F16 class started much the same way with modified T4.9s. They even decided to ‘grandfather’ boats that really did not fit the class rules (such as weight, sail area, small rules <img src="http://www.catsailor.com/forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />) to help build their fleet numbers. The Blade and Stealth are purpose built F16s...... Any others? H16 with kite, Spitfire, Mossie ect ...... Don’t count.


Next time I come across a Taipan 4.9 I should wonder if Im looking at a myth or boats that are competitive for 15+ years. Pray tell how much carbon is in a Taipan? What none? amazing!!

The 4.9 was designed for small sail area, small crew weight = smaller loads.

Add kite and extra beam, will add extra loads the boat was not designed for. Those beams are not adequit for the job and AHPC know this.

Tell me, why are all the F16s coming in overweight without correctors brand new????? Is the min weight a bit optimistic. My F18 weighs in (yes heavy) at 175.3 kg and I carry 4.7 kg lead (5kg max allowed in F18 class rules). Most Capricorns vary between 175 and 177 kg. Lead is used to equalise the boat weights. The luxury we have also is the ability to remove weight as the boat gets heavier. It is also not as critical for us to use super light fittings and our boat’s systems can be built with a greater focus on reliability.

Why not set the F16 class weight at 120 or 130 kg. Boats can be built comfortably to this weight with sturdier beams and and more support in the hulls where it is needed. And done so in a more economical way by the home builder and the manufactures including Vectraworks, Formula Catamarans and Stealth.

Boats can hit the water at 115 to 117 or 125 to 127 with 3 to 5 kg off corrector weights added. Thus giving a 120 to 130 kg min weight.


So serious question.. When you making your F18 into a 104 and show us all the way?

Boat is on the market at the moment and am looking at other options. F16 is interesting but the class is still very amateurish and I do not see a lot of stability or growth in the class in the future. I want to spend my hard earned $$$$ but do not see the F16 as a wise investment at this point in time.