Mathematically speaking, when 1-up it is faster to trap. Control can be a problem when 1-up though. The F16's appear to be "footers". They like to be driven fast without too much emphasis on things like pointing high. Just pointing high enough is sufficient, the rest is speed. Upwind is no different as several of you (us) have found out.
For 2-up the same is true but the control is noticeably better here as well. Any 2-up crew who has not got the crew on the wire (in enough wind) under spi is not driving an F16 in the best way possible. However I do admit that it will take some training to be comfortable at it; mostly by the skipper as he need to have a very steady hand on the tiller. The speed increase makes the boat corner like a formula 1 race car.
By the way an alternative is to have the skipper trap out and have the crew with spi sheet sit against the rearbeam. I believe this setup was pioneered by John Casey and John Williams and it worked very well for them. It also makes the skipper eat his own nervousness on the tiller.
Having said all this I believe sitting against the mainbeam and hiking out when 1-up can work really well as well.
Last edited by Wouter; 03/14/0804:46 AM.
Wouter Hijink Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild) The Netherlands