Too all that are reading, as you know, I was the chairman for this event for the last couple of years and, for a several different reasons that I'm not going to get into here, I fell down in my responsibilities this year as it relates to paving the way for the 2009 Alter Cup Championship. Kevin and others at US Sailing have worked very hard to pick up the pieces in the last couple of weeks to ensure that it happens in 2009. They're literally scrambling to quickly fill the vacuum I left in my wake.

That said, you guys are mad - and I understand that...but you're airing a lot of dirty laundry at a guy who literally stepped into the position a couple of weeks ago. Cost is a HUGE problem for the event in 2009 and I'm excitied for Kevin and the multihull committee that they've found, what I presume to be, a more affordable alternative to keep costs down for the competitors.

Yep, it sounds like the protocol would have been to call the Hobie camp first but I wouldn't say Kevin "wasted" anybody's time - I know Kevin wanted the H16 w/ spin deal to work out in conjunction with the youth championship. If you guys want to get mad, get mad at me for putting Kevin in a position that he had to act at an incredibly accelerated pace. I'm sorry for putting all of you in this late position.

Jake Kohl