
Im just kidding with Woot. I hope he makes another Spring Fever some day.

Absolutely no worries mate, I'm enjoying these replies. Good fun actually.

And I believe that anyone dispensing "it" should also "take it" standing up and smiling !

Personally, I think the idea of doing the ALter Cup 2009 in the Hobie 16 + spi was a good option. And I also believe that that would have been the way it had gone down if the reported controversy between Hobie USA and Hobie EU didn't come about and soured the project. I think the Alter Cup committee made a wise decision to not fuel this controversy by coming out in favour of either side.

I'm also convinced that AHPC/Viper F16 would just as easily have rescheduled their bit to 2010.

The rest is just a play at some fun. And as a result I fully expect to be made fun of !

So keep it coming !


Last edited by Wouter; 11/05/08 05:30 AM.

Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands