Originally Posted by pbisesi
I'll repeat.
Not a HCA event. Not changing our class rules.
I am against the spi for our class.
The ISAF womens was already sailed on a H16 with spin a few years back.
If the Hobie Cat company wants to provide boats with a spi, a set of wings, an add on center board and a third trap for your flying monkey for a NON-HCA event I don't see why the HCA should even be involved.
I know what the Alter cup rules say.
Perception matters, and HCA has not been perceived well.

On the flip side if Chris, Pat and Matt chose to say no the the question, I would support that to.
I always go back to the Camel being a Horse built by committee.

With all due respect
We have already heard this type of argument from Hobie Europe. First it was a one-time event for the ISAF Youth Worlds. Then the argument that the Youth need to train with the spinnaker so we got pushed into class youth events. Even then Hobie Europe swore up and down that is was only for youth events. It was a short time after that they pushed through the Hobe 16 Spi for the Women's event at ISAF Worlds. Guess what the next step was. The women need to train at class events. See a trend here? The Hobie 16 class is now split in Europe (even for adults). The rest of the world has rejected this trend. This is all way more important to the class than one silly Alter cup regatta.

BTW: The HCA Board of Dircetors voted no to this Alter cup question.

Last edited by rhodysail; 11/04/08 12:33 PM.