I'm not the most diplomatic person in the world and my comments in these kinds of threads tend to lead to Michael Bay (Bad Boys 2) alike spectacular explosions.

So get out the popcorn, put on your sunglasses (Bright light warning) and get into your comfy chair.

Are you all ready ?

Here it comes, enjoy ! grin

Matt Miller wrote :


B) I think it makes all the sense in the World that the Class decided to reject the use of the spinnaker as "not a class legal" boat.

Anybody please entlighten me; Is or is not the Alter Cup final an official Hobie class event ?

If not, then what the %@!&*#@* has the NA-HCA organisation to do with how the used boat is equipped ?

And again, why can the exact same boats be used in no less then TWO major and official HOBIE CLASS events on the same continent but NOT in the (unassociated) Alter Cup ?

Note here that the spi equipment would have to be FITTED then REMOVED and then REFITTED again in order to use these boats WITH A SPI in the two named hobie class events that straddle the Alter Cup event.

Really, who is thinking this **** up ?


C) US Sailing could have accepted the 16 as it is sailed in the USA... no spinnaker.

They could also have accepted to use a design by a different boat maker, one that comes without "interesting" bureaucratic thorns, hooks and conditions or indeed holes and protrusions from removed equipment.

Ohh wait, THEY DID !

I'll wait to see what more comes out of it, but it really does appears as if internal disagreements on the Hobie side of things derailed the Hobie 16 + spi usage as the Alter Cup boat. Especially since an alternative bid (Viper F16) was also in the works. I for one will say, another try next year ! The AC committee would have been wise to inform the parties before their public announcement but I see no ground for any blame (outside the Hobie group themselves that is) beyond that.

Sure I'm biased as hell but I wonder what I would choose as an Alter Cup Chair when faced with the choice on how to decide who is the ultimate NA sailor ; using standard issue and previously used hobie 16's or brand new modern racing machines like the Viper F16's ?

Yes, call me biased for choosing a new Ferrari over a second hand Ford Pinto (that has the stereo removed ! ).


Last edited by Wouter; 11/03/08 07:42 PM.

Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands