>>>Regarding you comments about the origin of the F16 class, I have a print of a F16 by Bimare from the 1995.

Show it to us please and name the mainsail area that it featured at that time. Please remember that I actually HAVE a bim 16 in the Dutch class at this time, and I know every measurement of it. And while you're at it please name the MASTLENGTH that was featured in 1995 too. I predict you will either lie or not answer the questions.

Then I'll invite you to visit the ONLY independent confirmation that exists on the web of a Bim 16 as it was at that time.


And what do we see there ? No it can't be ! a platform that is full compliant with the F16 rules. Yes that is right MY F16 rules.

The second mentioning of a BIM 16 on the web by an independent party, The Texel committee is a one-off modified BIM 16. Hell it even says "ONE-OFF" in the rating table and is actually called a "Bim 16 special". And would you just have it that that particular Bim 16 is involved in the Dutch start-up !

In 2000 and 2001 I look hard of this ghost rules and you know what. Nothing could be found in either English or Italian. I gave up looking for them after I received valerio's mail which pretty much said to me "Don't bother". Later when I discovered the multiple setups with different mastlengths, mainsail area's and spi area's I understood why. There was no common rule which was agreed upon by multiple builders and there never has been one too. In my case there are. AHPC has provided input and has agreed, Stealth did the same and also launched a F16 in 2002 and a third party was also involved and will launch in 2003.

THAT is what makes a FORMULA class. Multiple designers and builders working together to build a common class.

And what surprises me all the time is that Neither ISAF nor Texel measurement ever refer to a BIM F16, but always to a Bim 16. I mean, could it be that we are all mistaken and that it has been Hobie F16 all along instead of Hobie 16 !?

THAT dog don't hunt my dear.

>>Face it your rule is largely ignored by the builders.

Well there is only one builder ignoring my rule dear and it isn't Ventilo (Compliant), Mattia (compliant), Taipan (Compliant), Stealth (compliant), Blade (Compliant), hell I have even discussed the class with Cirrus and they are taking this seriously.

>>In the USA, there has not been one successfull F-16HP regatta!

Oh well the first F18HT event was a big DUT then as we were at the same event and had just as many boats (when NOT counting the Isotopes). We were less loud, I admit to that.

And what is worse, YOU KNOW ALL THIS ! We had this talk several times before. But still, you and your companions seems to have a thing for the F16 class. I don't know why. Could it be that ...? Nah !

>>>None stayed to the end of the event.

No, none of us stayed to the end of YOUR event , remember that we shortend our event that time and did so well before the event happened ?

High school must have been darn difficult for you.

>>You tout the Australian event, but even tht event garnered less than 10 boats.

Well we had more than you had at your nationals ! And I mean both classes that you have expressed to participate in.

>>Like the man, Rick White, pointed out in a previous post you and your class shold spend more time sailing and racing than posting.

The much respected Rick White has never expressed anything of that sort. This another one of inventions. And I'm delussional !?

Now I think the Jav 16 is a intriguing design and I have no problem with it launch and if you guys want to have your own class, ALL BY YOURSELF, than that is fine with me.

But despite this the fact of the matter remains that there was no old F16 class establish prior to my F16 (which is rather OUR F16 class). Our class rating in all the major handicap systems prove this and so do the comments made by Bimare yard.

That you have a thing for me personally, well, I'm even okay with that as long as you don't start inventing history or even "a present". I'm looking forward to those 6 jav 16's coming to the USA and I hope to welcome them at a F16 regatta some time in the future.

If they are in time they can even participate for a charter slot in the 2005 F16 World challenge. Just like that Dutch "Bim 16 special" will be doing. And that is what I think about letting Bims into the F16 class. Not that it will stick in your memory because I'm sure I can expect another outrage at my class and rule in say 2 to 3 months time.

Ahh well, as long as the other forum participants know what your grasp on facts is.


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands