Originally Posted by Jeff.Dusek
Originally Posted by jollyrodgers
From an observer that used to race quite a bit..

Also as a sailing bigot i am pleased that the male skippers are at the top..

You are so incredibly out if touch with the state of sailing it amazes me. Maybe this is the reason sailing has had growth problems.

out of touch with your world...very much so.
We have people coming here from around the world all year to kite surf and wind surf. Never have checked the facts about the decline of sailing.
Maybe the decline has something to with the economy, or mass mind programing, or the corporate world moving most of the industry out of the states. Yachting is sort of an upper middle class thing, and that class is getting smaller in the states.
Hobie sailing is being picked back up by other countries now and is having the biggest worlds ever right now. Yet some how 1 guy on the internet rooting for team "guy drivers" is hurting sailing.

The idea that men wouldn't be able to captain a cat in the olympics bothered me a little, and now i see man captains do have a shot and will prolly win the medals.
Also what Jake said. Women are strong enough to run the front sails contrary to early speculation. Also to be fair there are many women skippers that win against men. Maybe one will win a gold, but i am hoping that driving racing cats is one thing that men can do better. Kind of like wave sailing on windsurfers. We have so few things that we are better at i am grasping at straws here.