Originally Posted by Jake
Originally Posted by brucat
This might sound odd, but let's back up and pretend that the wiggle and smash never happened, but just look at it until the point where the wiggle started.

As I see the video, S never stopped turning down. Even if she had, that would have given P only 1-2 seconds to avoid. Either way, that's not enough time for P to keep clear (in those conditions on those boats, etc.).

You can disagree, but that's how I see it.


S did absolutely stop turning down. You can see them turn sharply to starboard for about 1/2 second upon realizing that P appeared to be intent on crossing. If you can't see it by looking at the boat, look at her wake and use other boat wakes for comparison. You'll also see her start to heel more dramatically (and accelerate) as she turns to starboard to attempt to avoid. I see two distinct sharp turns by H7 (S) - one to starboard to avoid and, upon realizing P changed course, and one sharp turn to port. That's about as fast as you can expect those scows to turn at those angles. I think if you have a video from on board of H7 looking forward, you would have no doubt that they made a significant attempt to avoid P. I'm not sure why several of you don't see H7's actions in this video. With it maximized in HD, I can even see H7's tiller move sharply as he tries to turn both directions.

Once this sequence has happened, if I'm at the helm, I've got two things in my mind. 1) collision is now unavoidable. 2) I'm in the middle of a lot of other boats (including another port tacker trying to cross this mess). As a result, I would try to minimize my maneuvering to reduce the chance that I create more carnage around me with my actions and reduce the chances of hurting anyone...I would just take it square on the bow just like H7 did. I'm blown away by the number of you experienced guys that are holding H7's feet at (partial) fault for the impact. It makes me realize how much of a gamble any protest hearing can be.

Here's the video link again...this time queued up to the moment H7 starts to round the offset.


It seems to me the "duty of the boat with rights to avoid a collision rule" was written to keep boats from bumping while taking up another boat or a way to avoid massive damage to prove your point, not a scapegoat and a way to pin the stupidity ,of the guilty port boat in this case, on the other guy, as some of you seem to be trying to do.
As Jake said a gamble in the protest room ,but it also makes me wonder how much of a gamble it is being on the race course with some of you, if that's the way you think.

"I said, now, I said ,pay attention boy!"

The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea
Isak Dinesen
If a man is to be obsessed by something.... I suppose a boat is as good as anything... perhaps a bit better than most.
E. B. White