Well, there _might_ be a new mast is a more proper way of saing it..
The class is voting over the new mast now, but it might go both ways. Remember that the class originally voted to keep the old rig instead of the new rig with double trapeze and gennaker. If ISAF had not insisted on a Tornado with larger sailarea, gennaker and double trapeze in the olympics, the Tornado would have stayed with the old rig..
What I'm missing is more information and discussion about the proposed mast. Is it faster, how much faster, are new sails needed etc..
While beeing a somewhat active Tornado sailor, I'm not sure if a carbon mast is worth the money if it doesnt make the boat significantly faster. With 180Kg on the righting line, we have no problems with righting

It will be exciting anyhow to watch the results of the ballot!