>>I have to respectfully disagree on a couple of points. Static mast weight is not the issue. The carbon stick reduces the radius of gyration by a factor of almost 4 which reduces pitching moment of the hulls.

What exactly do you mean by that ?

"Static" mast weight (Do you have a thing called dynamic mast weight ?) DOES factor in COMPLETELY in Moment of enertia that is linked to oscillation of a platform.

You got me completely lost on your "radius of gyration" statement. Especially on how a reduction of radius REDUCES the pitching MOMENT of the hulls ?

Pitching MOVEMENT of the hulls maybe ?

Or else RESULTING radius of gyration given some reduction in mast weight ? This of course contradicts your statement of "Static weight is not an issue"

I guess there are some typo's in these statements that result in a very awkward statement otherwise you are completely off the chart with respect to dynamic of bodies.


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands