Booth: "The point I am trying to make is if the class wants to go towards the commercially available and same equipment for all sailors then we have to scrap the owner builder rule and change the class to a "manufacturer supplied only" rule just like Hobie or Nacra. Personally I think this would damage the future of the class and it would lose its edge as the leading beach cat."

My interpretation is that while they didn't exactly come out and say "We don't like it", Booth is illuding that the class seems to be migrating to a single manufacturer one-design (like I've been saying) and getting away from the multi-manufacturer one-design that the Tornado class has always been. He feels that this is bad for the class. Having only one supplier of the carbon masts is clearly a move toward a single manufacturer one-design.

Bundy, on the other hand, seems slightly less opposed to the decision and while he agrees with Booth's multi manufacturer one-design ideas, he doesn't think the carbon fiber mast decision will be damaging to the class. Actually, neither seem to be against the carbon fiber mast but rather the idea that they are legally only available from Marstrom.

Jake Kohl