I think I got the gist of the 'gyration' theori in the first post, so I will not comment on the quite heated discussion about the proper physical non-layman terms that has bloomed in the last couple of posts.

Mark: Regarding the "Society of Ordinary Tornado Sailors", where do I join

It is a shame if public perception and politic scares people off the T..
Now, if I have understood the last part of the discussion right. Going for a strict one-design carbon mast, as is proposed in the ballot, will in fact take away the possibility of the olympic campaigneers to find a mast section suitable for their sailing weight and style ?
(Warning: I'm playing a bit of devils advocate here)
To all the non-Tornado sailors who has given their opinion, please continue to do so! In my opinion, all information is of the good, and different views on an issue only gives a richer base of information to make a decicion on..