i can see where the inclined luff of a spi. would lift the bows, but how are the jibes? we sail overpowered with seas alot and the idea of adding sail area just seems wrong. maybe a shorter mast/kite combo and just rely on the foresail like a keelboat is the ticket. magic rudders would be great to keep the bows up if possible.
so, anyone ever capsize jibing the spi? we seem to be right on the edge of a capsize on every jibe with just a jib. talk about threading the needle...head up too much after the jibe-you go over side ways. bear off too soon after the jibe and the new windward bow auggers in and it's a pitchpole. not that we actually ate it on a jibe recently, just that the potential is there when high winds hit the top part of the sail.