Don't you ever get guys "screaming" downwind on a broad reach, with their mainsail and boom out hard against their leeward side stay, them they suddenly throw the helm over into a gybe with their mainsheet completely loose, with the result that their bows drive deep in the water, their transoms lift high and they actually (in a very scary way) pass through the wind direction onto the other tack except that their sail doesn’t pass through until they are already on a screaming reach on the other tack, WHEN, THWACK – SHUDDER – SHUDDER -BOOM, their sail and boom come flying around onto the other side of the boat, pulling up with the gentleness of being whacked by the jolly green giant, hard against their other side stay??
That’s what we call a “Chinese gybe” and we see guys who have raced for years still occasionally do it.