"Okay, here's the agenda: if you are going to have a Formula 12'10" class, then I think it would be appropriate to grandfather in the Hobie Wave, which is only 2 inches longer"

If that is the root of the problem, it would have been helpful if it had been brought up in the beginning of the discussion. The F16 Class "grandfathered" in boats that did not meet the strict criteria, some compromise might have been reached early on concerning this matter.

So if I read between the lines correctly, the disagreement over the 12' Vs the 12'-10" issue was just a ploy to keep the F12 performance level sub par when compared to the Hobie Wave. Insuring it would never be a serious threat to the Wave on the race courseā€¦ There by protecting the established Wave one design class, and eliminating the threat of a F12 class that could offer a higher performance, less expensive alternative.
