But, Wouter, your boat will handle all the weights, so there is no debate about that. I don't know why you would not just proceed with it. It sounds perfect for the target market of 13-18.
The debate is about the younger kids and the little kids and maybe even older kids who are total newbies to sailing and need a slower, less intimidating boat to start out on.
The ONLY objection I had was to calling your design a Formula 12. If you want to call it a Typhoon 12, I wouldn't have any objection at all. SOUNDS more interesting, too.
Then if a Formula Class 12 is formed, it could be decided whether or not to grandfather in the Typhoon 12, just as was done with the Formula 16 class.
And, as I have already said, right now I don't really see much point in having a Formula 12 class at all for racing purposes, because the diversity of boats might be way too great to have any straight-up racing.
To me, it seems like the debate is more like a chicken-and-egg situation -- should we have a Formula 12 class and decide on the parameters and let people design and build within those parameters? Or should we design a boat and then set the parameters of the class based upon that boat?
I think that is what is causing all the "round-and-round" discussion.