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Welcome to NAMSA

Here is just a bit about us. To also see our FAQ's, click here!

Dear Multihull Lover,
We all love sailing our catamaran, or trimaran, or whichever multihull that gives us those thrills. But have you noticed that we all seem to be treated as second-class citizens by most of the monohull-dominated sailing world.., and have you noticed that lake, beach, water and mooring access is dwindling.

To gain the respect and to have a powerful voice we all need to unite into one, strong alliance. As the old saying goes, "United We Stand, Divided We Fall." It is time to unify!

Just look at the "Great Links Page" of the www.catsailor.com site – you will notice there are between 150 and 200 various and individual multihull clubs, classes, and/or associations. That is just for starters. Now look at the Portsmouth Handicap Tables and notice that there are hundreds of different classes of cats, tris, proas, etc. All of them doing their own thing, all with similar problems, all with the same desire to get others to enjoy the wonderful life of sailing that they enjoy.
It is time to again join them together in the North American Multihull Sailing Association (NAMSA). And I know a lot of you may at this moment be saying, "What the heck do we need THAT for — don't we already have enough organizations?" And some of you may be asking, "Isn't that what the Multihull Council is for?"
In answer to the first question, we do have a lot of organizations, but none of them do what NAMSA can do for us – unite us to speak with a strong voice to US Sailing, ISAF, and other organizations – organizations that shun us, that will not allow a multihull Youth boat, that will bar us from venues because of our multiple hulls, that will not allow affordable insurance, that will not heed the problems of multihulls when writing rules, and the list goes on. Multihulls, both large and small, have no central organization that can and will speak out for them. We are all tiny voices.., unheard by the thunderous roar of the monohull world.
And to the second question, that is NOT what the Multihull Council is for. Put aptly and briefly by retired Multihull Council Chairman, Gordon Isco, "Just think of US Sailing as Washington and the Multihull Council as a representative from one state."

Here is just a partial list things NAMSA is going to do:

The Costs
The founders and the Board of NAMSA want to make this all happen as painlessly as possible, and give the membership a lot of bang for their buck. So, here is the cost structure:

Each association joining NAMSA will receive a packet containing a Chapter Application and a form to fill out with their membership data.

For more Info, Please Contact:
Robert Earl Blackington
7131 Sand Crest View, Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Tel 719-532-1092 (w), 719-622-8333 (h), Fax 719-567-9937 (w), 719-622-0737 (h)
E-Mail: [email protected] (h), [email protected] (w)
Rick White, President
PO Box 2060, Key Largo, FL 33037
Tel 305-451-3287, Fax 305-453-0255
Email: [email protected]