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Bylaws of NAMSA (Approved February 18, 2004)

1. The name of the organization:

a. North American Multihull Sailing Assn., Inc (NAMSA)

2. Objective:

a. To provide a medium of exchange of information among all multihull sailors and to enhance the enjoyment of multihull sailboats.
b. To maintain and exchange information and liaisons, when and where appropriate, with other sailing associations, organizations, clubs, fleets, etc.
c. To promote and develop all multihull racing and sailing under uniform rules, regulations, directives and suggestions. To provide advocacy and sanctioning in issues affecting multihull sailing and racing.
d. To belong, as an organization, to other organizations that aid in the promotion of sailing in general.

3. Membership and Voting:

a. There shall be two different membership types:

i. Chapter Membership: Association, Club, Fleet or Organizational Membership (herein referred to as Chapter Membership).

ii. Individual Membership: Individual Memberships are available with full membership rights.

(1) Any individual whose NAMSA dues are paid for the current year is entitled to:

(a) One vote on NAMSA issues, (See 5. Voting).
(b) Competition in NAMSA-sanctioned major events.
(c) Eligibility to hold NAMSA office, including Committees.

(2) Membership is for one year . Dues for the next year shall be set each year by a vote of the Individual and Chapter Membership.
(3) Individual Membership dues will include a subscription for Catamaran Sailor Magazine (which will include the Official NAMSA Newsletter).
(4) Dues for U.S.A. members will be set at $20 per year, subject to change as noted above.
(5) Dues for Canadian members will set at $30 per year, subject to change as noted above.
(6) Dues for Mexican members will be set at $35 per year, subject to change as noted above.

4. Meetings:

5. Voting:

6. Elections:

7. Officers: The Officers of NAMSA, and their responsibilities, shall consist of:


9. Terms of Office of Officers

10. Amendments:

11. Dissolution - Should, for whatever reason, NAMSA needs to be dissolved: