Originally Posted by HMurphey
Oh Timbo:

RHYC ownes +19 acres of ground ... of which approximently 9 acres is open grass/field (that I help mow), the rest is preserved pine forest .... of that 9 acres the clubhouse/pool/bathhouse/gazebo/parking lot maybe takes up 1-2 acres .... leaving alot of room for "boat set-up" .... oh, and there is a nice 75-100' wide beach w/ a shallow gradiant leading to a nice flat sandy bottom that varies (due to tides) from calf deep to waist deep ....


And exactly how many loaner cats does your club hand out to newbies? And how many cats are in your kid's sailng program? And do you go out and run the rescue boat on Saturdays for the kids?

Wonder why there are so few kids in Cats? That's why.

See the thread up above, "What have you done for sailing today."

Blade F16