Good points Jeff

I also think the Hobie 16 should be left out of that pathway- if a top youth sailor has a choice between a non-spinnaker and dated looking Hobie 16 vs. a 29er, they are going to take the 29er option. I think the youth development multi must have a spinnaker if it is going to attract top talent.

I think the Hobie 16 pathway is outside of the Yacht Club circuit. Families and sailors can get a start and taste of high performance sailing in the adult regatta circuit that is already well established in the US. In the Mid atlantic, we have a well establshed JO's for Hobie 16 Juniors. Leave well enough alone here.

Sailors who have the talent and drive should be coached to move into the next level when it's time.

The key issue is the F16 pathway through Yacht clubs... We don't have clubs with F16 club boats that could run a program year after year.... For example, Annapolis Yacht Club owns 6 i420's... the Club moves their top juniors into i420s and has a dedicated coach, they don't get stuck in club 420's for more then a year or two. ....Families with serious kids... get their own boat to agument the fleet and compete.

I hope they do a lot more thinking and leading at the club level.... they tend to take this top down approach... (We will have one expert coach in the discipline for the 6 Olympic teams we have in the pipeline).... How about 6 Olympic coaches at the yacht Club level scattered around the country and let the 6 olympic sailors use their own personal coaches when it matters.