Originally Posted by Jeff.Dusek
Right now, I don't see the top youth sailors in the country (opti national team members, youth champs winners, all americans, etc.) considering sailing multis- that needs to change.

Jeff, I think the real rason you don't see top youth teams from traditional Yacht Club programs (Opti-Laser-420) considering a multihull is...

They've never been EXPOSED to a multihull. Most traditional YC's won't allow one in the yard, there's no place to park them and/or no beach launch them from. The Geezers that run the clubs don't want them.

I have 4 kids, I know from teaching them, and many of their friends to sail on my cats, the kids LOVE trapping out and going fast. I've had many kids out on the wire, who had sailed mono dinghys, who had no idea how fast a spinnaker cat could go. Once they got a taste, they wanted more, but try selling that to a traditional yacht club. The fist thing they will say is, "How much does it cost?" The second thing is, "Where will we put them?" And the third thing is, "Do you know how many Lasers we could buy for that much money!"

Blade F16