Originally Posted by samc99us
Originally Posted by Mark Schneider
Fabulous solution.... I agree! ... BUT... It hasn't ever happened in the USA anywhere that I know of ...... so... my advice don't hold your breath.... or count on this happening.

For instance... AYC would not accept your 6 boats if you gave them to the club... they are land locked.

So.. you need a different approach...
I agree completely that you need a cohort of juniors that are doing the program.

What other program would be possible?

It is happening somewhere, the Sarasota Sailing Squadron down in Florida. The club doesn't own the boats but the local F16/F18 fleet that uses the club as their base of operations has been generous enough to loan the platforms to star 420 skippers/crews during the week for practices and in some cases weekend events. The practices were/are run by the same coach in charge of high school sailing practice. This would be possible in our area if the club agreed, an experienced multihull sailor was the coach, and enough multihull sailors offered their boats as training platforms.

Not entirely true. Sarasota Youth Sailing owns 3 (at least) boats....1 F-18 (there may be another) and 2 F-16's.

Last edited by ksurfer2; 11/29/12 01:29 PM.

If your havin girl problems i feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems but my beautiful wife ain't one