
It is happening somewhere, the Sarasota Sailing Squadron down in Florida. The club doesn't own the boats but the local F16/F18 fleet that uses the club as their base of operations has been generous enough to loan the platforms to star 420 skippers/crews during the week for practices and in some cases weekend events. The practices were/are run by the same coach in charge of high school sailing practice. This would be possible in our area if the club agreed, an experienced multihull sailor was the coach, and enough multihull sailors offered their boats as training platforms.

Not entirely true. Sarasota Youth Sailing owns 3 (at least) boats....1 F-18 (there may be another) and 2 F-16's.

Terrific.... when you get to 5 boats... we can start comparing the multi scene to the 1000's of Yacht clubs with 420 fleets.

I would argue that a two boat Sarasota fleet is a lot closer to my targeted approach then a dream that Multi's will be used in most Yacht club programs anytime in the future.

Props to Sarasota for buying some club boats.
